“Gamification for Innovators and Entrepreneurs” was honoured as runner-up for the Best Book of the Year Award 2023 by the European Academy of Management! We thank the jury for this great acknowledgement of our collaborative work!
While we received the certificate at this year’s EURAM conference in Dublin, the project is advancing:
We prepared the Gamification Design Pattern Cards so you can easily print them using the free download file from UXBerlin.
Roman Meier-Andrae experimented with the Cards and Chat gpt on his garden table and generated complete workshop formats based on the Gamification Design Pattern Cards.
The entire book to download or order as a print for teachers and consultants intending to work with its rich resources regularly.
The full book to download or order as a print for teachers and consultants intending to work with its rich resources regularly is available here.
Written by Henning Breuer.